In this post we are going to learn about Database Management System (DBMS): An Overview. Now the question arises that What actually is the Database Management System? So before going though the DBMS concept we are going to see what actually is Database.
Database is nothing but the collection of Data. Taking example of "School" which stores the data of students. Another good example is "Library" which stores Books data. Now moving back of our main question i.e. Database Management System (DBMS) is the collection of Database. In other words, it is a software or system which enables to insert, update and select the data from database.
Common examples of Database Management System are Oracle, Gupta SQL, FoxPro etc. We generally use the Database Management System in Railway, Banking, Hospitals, Airlines, Schools, Universities and many more.
What is the need for Database Management System?
Many of you are thinking that What is the Need for Database Management System? Why should we use Database Management System and many more... The answer is very simple. Here are some point that will show you the Need for DBMS. They are :
* Data is difficult to access i.e. Data cannot be retrieved in a convenient and efficient manner using file system. Suppose you have a saving account in a bank with fields account number, name, address and balance; and you are asked to show the account name having balance greater than Rs. 5000 and if the program is not written then it is difficult to do that.
* Inconsistency and Redundancy of Data i.e. As the data is stored at multiple places. So redundancy means duplication of data. Because of data redundancy, file system suffers from data inconsistency which means attribute values changes at different places.
* Security i.e. Security is an essential factor in all fields. Database Management System provides the security feature to the database and protect the database from the intruders.
* Concurrency Control i.e. Some times more than one transaction are using the same data item at the same time which will result into inconsistency in database. To remove this inconsistency we use Concurrency Control which is the feature of Database Management System. This feature is not available in Application program.
I hope that the concepts of database, database management system and need of database management system are now cleared to you.
Database is nothing but the collection of Data. Taking example of "School" which stores the data of students. Another good example is "Library" which stores Books data. Now moving back of our main question i.e. Database Management System (DBMS) is the collection of Database. In other words, it is a software or system which enables to insert, update and select the data from database.
Common examples of Database Management System are Oracle, Gupta SQL, FoxPro etc. We generally use the Database Management System in Railway, Banking, Hospitals, Airlines, Schools, Universities and many more.
What is the need for Database Management System?
Many of you are thinking that What is the Need for Database Management System? Why should we use Database Management System and many more... The answer is very simple. Here are some point that will show you the Need for DBMS. They are :
* Data is difficult to access i.e. Data cannot be retrieved in a convenient and efficient manner using file system. Suppose you have a saving account in a bank with fields account number, name, address and balance; and you are asked to show the account name having balance greater than Rs. 5000 and if the program is not written then it is difficult to do that.
* Inconsistency and Redundancy of Data i.e. As the data is stored at multiple places. So redundancy means duplication of data. Because of data redundancy, file system suffers from data inconsistency which means attribute values changes at different places.
* Security i.e. Security is an essential factor in all fields. Database Management System provides the security feature to the database and protect the database from the intruders.
* Concurrency Control i.e. Some times more than one transaction are using the same data item at the same time which will result into inconsistency in database. To remove this inconsistency we use Concurrency Control which is the feature of Database Management System. This feature is not available in Application program.
I hope that the concepts of database, database management system and need of database management system are now cleared to you.
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